
Visit Unbound's web site.

We're a newly incorporated 2012 non-profit organization in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts devoted to enlivening the creative economy in Allston, Brighton & beyond with unbound contemporary visual art for all through exhibitions, sales, classes and workshops.  We're managed by a Board of Directors, a Council of Advisors and other volunteers. Our members include artists, art supporters, businesses, organizations, curators, art collectors and anyone that recognizes the importance of the visual arts in their personal, business or professional lives. Further, we develop and nurture partnerships and collaborations with organizations and businesses to promote and achieve our educational mission.  

Our contemporary artists create fine art paintings, sculpture, assemblages and photographs.

Mission / Purpose of UnBound Visual Arts, Inc.

In the spirit of American artist Washington Allston, namesake for the neighborhood of Allston, the objective of Unbound Visual Arts is to promote artistic growth that inspires passion, creativity, education and expression of contemporary fine arts  & crafts by supporting and encouraging local emerging and established artists, art connoisseurs and art organizations, mounting exhibitions, collecting, presenting classes, workshops, demonstrations, open studio tours, art fairs, the sale and rental of artworks and marketing materials, community outreach, lectures and other educational activities that promote and enrich the economic, cultural and community importance of the visual arts to Allston & Brighton and the surrounding communities.


  1. Who are the Board Directors, Council Advisors, artists, supporters, etc.? How are you funded?

    A little transparency will go a long way in establishing your credibility and accountability. Without it, you are likely another non-profit with questionable intent, preying the donors and artists.

    1. Hi,

      Thanks for your inquiry. There is more information about the organization on the website, including all the names of the Board and Council of Advisers. All of the Founding Members are artists or art supporters and reside in Allstom, Brighton and Newton. Let us know if you still have questions.

