Thursday, November 15, 2012

Unbound goes to Allston Open Studios

Unbound Member Karen Smigliani (r)
Unbound Visual Arts had a strong presence at the 26th annual Allston Arts District Open Studios. Unbound set up a display in Christine Winship's station on the 3rd floor of 119 Braintree St. with membership applications. Unbound representatives talked to dozens of artists and art supporters about the new organization.  Representatives over the two days included Ronni Komarow, Karen Smigliani, John Quatrale, Christine Winship and Louise Bonar.

1 comment:

  1. Am so happy to hear about your organization. Didn't get a chance to see your display since I was busy at my own booth at the Allston open studios, but fortunately one of your members came around and got my email. Hope to join soon!

    Kelly Slater
